Betty Shelley’s Birthday October 4th!!

Happy 95th Birthday to our truly remarkable Betty Shelley! 

You’re not only a wonderful friend and neighbor, but a true pillar of our community, always giving your time and heart to make things better. Your tireless dedication as a volunteer and your constant drive to achieve so much is an inspiration to everyone around you.
On this special day, we celebrate not just your incredible 95 years, but all the love, kindness, and hard work you've poured into the lives of those lucky enough to know you. Here’s to many more joyful years ahead!
- With love and admiration from your Imperial Point Family.-


Wish to Leave Betty a Message? Scroll to Bottom of Page. 

Wishing you a very Happy and Healthy Birthday and want to express our sincere appreciation to you for all of the unselfish and wonderful things you have accomplished over the years that each and every one of us admire in making our community the best. You are an inspiration to all who know and love you in making our world a fun and loving place to live and enjoy! Wishing you the very best of health and happiness to you for your Birthday and always!
Love, Ralph & Joline
Happy, Happy, Happy 95th Birthday, Betty!
Thank you for all you do to make Imperial Point a wonderful place to live! And thank you for being a terrific friend and neighbor.
We love you!!
Carolyn & Mark & the Pugs 
Dear Betty,
You embody so much for all of us. The more I learn about your life and experiences, the more I admire you and aspire to be like you. Your brilliance, wisdom, and calming presence are a rare blend of old-world charm and modern-day savvy. You’re not just a grandmother to the kids of Imperial Point, but a guiding light and mother figure to the adults as well. A true role model, public servant, and a leader to our leaders and politicians. At 95, you remain an unstoppable force! And since 95 is the new 75, here’s to many more birthdays filled with happiness and good health.
With love,
Evah and Gina
Happy Birthday Betty - 
You are a spectacular individual!  Thank you for your tireless work to help make our lives better!
Cheers to a day full of celebration, laughter, and all the happiness you bring into the world. Wishing you a fabulous birthday surrounded by family, love, joy, and all the things that make you smile. You deserve everything wonderful today and always! 
Love, Jazz & Jim
Dear Betty,
For 26 years, you have been part of the Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital family. On behalf of our team, we want to take a moment to celebrate not only your special 95th birthday but also the incredible impact you've made in our community. Your partnership has been a cornerstone of our shared success, and your dedication continues to inspire us all. We are grateful for your collaboration, passion, and commitment to making a difference. May this birthday bring you joy, fulfillment, and a reminder of how much you are appreciated.
Here's to your health, happiness, and all the wonderful moments still to come.
With sincere appreciation,
Calvin Glidewell and the Staff
Broward Health Imperial Point Hospital
Dear Betty,
As a foreigner and a traveler,  living in the United States for a long, long time,  I’ve been curious to find out why very often in unrelated conversations and at times by people recently met there is a question always asked:
"How old are you – how old is your son – how old is your daughter - how old your grandchildren, etc? "
I’m puzzled because I have found that this does not happen in other countries. What does happen in other countries is the special celebration of what is called Milestones Birthdays
like your 95th –
It’s not the age that one has reached that holds all the significance.  Most of these birthday milestones are not only  important because they represent advanced old age, they are important because they represent a fruitful and generous life –
 Like yours Betty –
All of us are the beneficiaries of your fruitful and generous life and  hope to continue for many more Milestones Birthdays  -  
Have a blessed birthday - Martha  
Betty Shelley is a Fort Lauderdale icon. Her service to our community is incomparable and we are all better off for it. Happy Birthday Betty and here's to many more! 
Sarah Leonardi
School Board Member, District 3
Happy Birthday Dear Betty!
When Gary and I moved into the neighborhood you were so welcoming and as we got to know you, we realized what an amazing woman you are! So caring about the Imperial Point community you cease to amaze all you do for us! We are truly blessed to know you and wish you the happiest of birthdays today and many, many years to come!
Warm Wishes!
Jim Weber & Gary Prianti
Happy Birthday Sweet Betty!
When we first moved to Imperial Point 10 years ago, I attended an Imperial Point Board meeting. You made me feel so welcome and included, and glad we chose Imperial Point to move and purchase our home. 
Thank you for all you do for our neighborhood and city, you know everybody, and really are respected. I hope to be just like you when I grow up. 😀
Sheri and Dave
Happy Birthday Betty,
Thank you so for welcoming us to the Imperial Point community. We are continually amazed at your unwavering support and pure dedication in making Imperial Point a great place to live. You are the glue that holds us all together. We love you very much and wish you the best birthday ever.
Terry and Kevin 

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