Your Elected Officials – For Imperial Point

Dean Trantalis, Mayor City of Fort Lauderdale


Mayor's November Newsletter

Jason W.B Pizzo - State Senator

Chip LaMarca - State Representative District 100

Rick Scott - U.S. Senator

Ashley Moody - U.S Senator

Jared Moskowitz - U.S Congress 23rd District

Animal Care & Adoption 954.359.1313 Power Outage 800.4OUTAGE
BeeKeeper 954.344.1493 Recycling 954.828.8000
Building Services 954.828.6520 Signs (Mediam) 954.847.2600
Cable TV (Comcast) 954.252.1937 Streets (Potholes, etc.) 954.828.8000
City Commissioners 954.828.5004 Streetlights 800.468.8243
City Hall (General Info) 954.828.5000 Traffic Engineering 954.828.5761
Code Violations 954.828.5207 Traffic Signals (Malfunctions) 954.847.2600
Community Resource Officers 954.828.6038 Trash (Bulk, Carts, etc.) 954.828.8000
Dead Animal (Road Kill) 954.828.8000 Trees (Severely Trimmed) 954.828.5200
Aircraft Noise Reporting Line 954.828.6666 Trees (Swales/Medians) 954.828.7275
FAA Safety Complaints 866.835.5322 Utilities 954.828.8000
Fire Department (Non-Emergency) 954.828.6800 Utilities Billing 954.828.5150
Fla Dept of Health (Broward County) 954.467.4700 Zoning Information 954.828.5203
Hazardous Easte 954.765.4999
Homeless Hotline 954.563.4357
IRS 800.908.4490
Library (Imperial Point Branch) 954.357.6530
Mayor's Office 954.828.5003
Mosquito Control (Broward) 954.765.4062
Parks and Rec (Playground) 954.828.7275
Police and Fire Emergency 911
Police (Non-Emergency) 954.764.HELP

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